By Lyn Kelley, Ph.D., MFT, CPC
Includes Includes 50 page Manual,
FREE Samples Handbook and
Quiz for 10 C.E. Contact Hours.
Fee: $97 for Online format emailed
$117 for Book format mailed USPS
March 2025 Special Offer -- 50% OFF!
Now only $48.50 for emailed format, $58.50 for mailed format -- PLUS FREE Shipping!
Instructions are simple! Each course comes with a short, multiple choice quiz, that goes chapter by chapter, and is open book. You just email us the answers to your quiz in the body of an email and we email you your Certificate of Completion within 48 hours. If you don't pass, we give you as many tries as you need!
Simply order any of our home study courses and we will send them to you by priority mail. Then send your quiz answers to us by email. We will e-mail your Certificate to you right away!
What Others are Saying About This Course:
"Lyn, This is the best of the training materials I have purchased from GROW. The information contained in this material is invaluable. It provides usefulness that should last my entire career."
---Isadora Wong, Seattle, WA
"I loved this independent study course! You give wonderful, practical advice. I have never seen anything else like it. I feel re-charged about my practice! Thanks so much!"
--- Janice Carbon, BSCW, Mataire, LA
"Thank you for this good program. It helped me come up with a brand new notion - that of personal coaching for church ministers. Thanks for the idea."
--- Keneth Beavers, Ph.D., Columbus, Ohio
Dear Colleagues,
I've been in private practice for over 25 years. I've had three different private practices in three different cities, in three different communities – one in a rural area, one in a suburban area, and one in a big city. I’ve been a Practice Building Coach for over 15 years and have coached thousands of Coaches and Health Professionals. I’ve found out what works across the board.
I stopped accepting managed care or insurance clients 20 years ago. Now I only see self-pay clients for my full fee ($240 an hour) who pay at the time of service. There is an art to promoting to full-pay clients -- clients who are able and willing to pay your full fee at the time of service because they value your services enough!
In this book I give you my ten most proven, ethical, cost-effective promotional strategies. Each of these ideas will cost you less than $100 and is designed to return to you at least 30 times the money you put into them. I am giving you the very best of what I have to offer – what you have asked for – easy, inexpensive, effective promotions to bring you the greatest number of good, self-pay, full-pay clients as soon as possible.
You MUST get a steady, consistent flow of new, good, self-pay clients in order to remain in business. You simply cannot survive by word of mouth alone. I show you the most cost-effective ways to reach your target market and attract them to you. It's so very simple! Get going TODAY!
Here's What You'll Learn:
Why not decide right now to make this your best year ever in private practice? How about creating that six figure practice you've always dreamed of?
Here’s all you need to do. Choose the one or two strategies you can start on right away. Follow the step-by-step plan I give you for each strategy. Once you’ve started, it’s easy to repeat them each month like clockwork. It doesn't take much time or money, but it does take INTENTION!
You need to sit down at your desk NOW, and get serious about your business.
If you intend to remain a private practice therapist/coach, you need this vital information. Please begin right away to implement these strategies! Your practice survival depends on it.
Let me save you the time, money and agony that I’ve wasted over the years. My mission is to help my colleagues increase their success, and everything I do is about that.
Just one new client pays for your course 30 times over! Plus, you'll be getting your 10 C.E. credits.
I want to send you something FREE if you order your course within 10 days. It’s my supplemental Samples Handbook. You get all the forms, letters and scripts you need to jump-start your promotional efforts. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Just copy mine! Please place your order today.
I'm committed to the survival and success of our profession. Helping you help others,
Lyn Kelley, Ph.D., CPC Practice Building Coach
FREE with your course "Get New Clients Now!"
$157 Value -- FREE!
20 page handbook full of cost-effective, valuable, and dignified promotional ideas. I give you permission to copy them or modify them to fit your practice. Let me save you the time, money and agony that I’ve wasted over the years. My mission is to help my colleagues increase their success, and everything I do is about that. Just one new client pays for your course 30 times over!