Online Marketing for Non-Techies Course Info

By Lyn Kelley, Ph.D., CPC

Online Course Only -- 65 page manual plus quiz for 10 C.E. contact hours
 Fee: Online format emailed $97

Instructions are simple! Each course comes with a short, multiple choice quiz, that goes chapter by chapter, and is open book. You just email us the answers to your quiz in the body of an email and we email you your Certificate of Completion within 48 hours. If you don't pass, we give you as many tries as you need!

Upon submission of order you will be emailed the eBook. Return your quiz by email, then we will email your Certificate to you right away!

What Others are Saying About This Course:

          I loved this independent study course! You give wonderful, practical advice. I have never seen anything else like it. I feel re-charged about my practice! Thanks so much! 

--- Janice Carbon, BSCW, Mataire, LA

        Thank you for this good program. It helped me come up with a brand new notion - that I don't have to spend a lot of time or money on marketing!  I tried the "coupon" idea and it worked like magic! Thanks for the idea. 

--- Keneth Beavers, Ph.D., Columbus, Ohio 

Lyn, this is the BEST online marketing course I have ever taken. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise in this area.

---Sherry Rossiter, LCPC

Dr. Lyn,

     I have to say your "Online Marketing for Non-Techies" course was the most relevant course for me, as one of my goals for 2022 is to improve my online presence. I'll be going back to this one again and again. In fact, I read one of the most helpful sentences I've seen in a long time: "Take imperfect action and be patient." So much so, I put it in a recent newsletter opening.

---Steven Huskey, BCC

Here's What You'll Get: 

  • The Internet Revolution Great, But I Don’t Know What to Do or Where to Begin! 
  • Step 1: We Admitted We Were Dummies
  • Step 2: Tough It Out (just for a little while)
  • Step 3: Hire an Expert
  • Create Your Online Marketing Plan
  • Branding Name
  • Your Business Logo and Design
  • Your Mission Statement or Tag Line
  • Determine Your Target Market
  • Create a Customer Data Base
  • Create Goals, Sub-Goals, Steps and Tasks
  • Sample Online Marketing Plan
  • The 10 Biggest Blunders People Make in Marketing
  • Website Development
  • Linking and Networking
  • 10 Tips for a Compelling Website
  • Integrating Social Media
  • The FREE Online Promotion That Makes You a Celebrity
  • 7 Essential Rules for Building a Loyal Customer Base from Social Media
  • Networking
  • Social Networking Do’s & Don’ts
  • E-Books, Audiobooks and Videos
  • It Begins With a Fire in Your Belly
  • Surprising Payoffs of Writing a Book
  • Information at the Speed of Thought
  • The Best Way to Get More Hits to Your Website
  • E-book Resources
  • E-book Online Distribution Sites
  • Audiobook Online Distribution Sites
  • Audio CD’s and MP3’s Video DVD's and DVD Clips
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Google It!
  • Key Word Phrases
  • 7 Steps to Raise Your Google Ranking
  • 6 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Website
  • Tools to Make Search Engines LOVE Your Website
  • Pay-Per-Click Programs
  • Flat-Rate PPC Programs
  • Bid-Based PPC Programs
  • Adwords
  • How to Target Your Ads
  • The 3 Online Directories that will FLOOD you with new, good clients
  • Subscriber Deal Programs, i.e., Yelp, Groupon, Amazon Local
  • Zero Cost Online Marketing Secrets
  • Link Building & Affiliates
  • How to Create Backlinks
  • How to Exchange Links with Other Websites
  • How to Create a Successful Affiliate Program
  • How to Create a Blog, E-zine Articles and/or E-Newsletters
  • Write About Your Expertise
  • Tell – Don't Sell
  • Checkups and Do-It-Yourself Guides
  • How to Create a Successful Blog Site
  • Developing Your Writing Style
  • Post Often and KISS
  • Encourage Reader Comments
  • Dramatic No-Cost Results from YouTube It's Easy, FREE, and You Can Do It Yourself
  • E-Commerce: How to Make Money While You Sleep
  • 5 Ways to Turn Your Website into a Sales Machine
  • 10 Expert Tricks of Online Marketing
  • Conclusion: A Day in the Life of an Online Coach

        Dear Colleague,

        It's taken me 25 years to write this course. When I first started in my coaching business we didn't even have computers -- only word processors! I've had to learn, learn and re-learn. It seems every time I finally "get" the new technology, they change it!!

        And my brain just isn't wired for tech! I'm a writer, teacher, coach. That's what I want to do -- NOT this tech stuff! But guess what I learned? I could be the BEST writer, teacher and coach in the world, but if no one knows I exist, it doesn't do ANYBODY any GOOD! Online presence is absolutely necessary for EVERYONE who owns a BUSINESS. It is the best and most cost-effective form of advertising, and the WORLD is your market (that's 7.5 BILLION PEOPLE!).

        Plus, as a consultant, I speak to at least 25 new coaches, counselors, and healthcare providers every week, and they tell me what works for them. I give you the BEST of what I know (and I'll edit my book in 6 months as things will surely have changed -- again!!). I tell you what WORKS and what DOESN'T WORK. I'll save you tons of money by telling you about all the people out there who will try to take you.

        ONE new client is worth over $6,000 to you. You'll get FAR more than one new client with this course -- it will pay for itself at least 100 times over. Don't try to do it all by yourself. Let me save you a lot of time and aggravation. You'll be pleasantly surprised when your website becomes a sales machine!

        I'm committed to the survival and success of our profession.

Lyn Kelley, Ph.D., MFT, CPC Practice Building Coach